【無料電子書籍】日本ITオフショア開発の 俯瞰・動向「2024年版」
【無料電子書籍】日本ITオフショア開発の 俯瞰・動向「2024年版」


7月 7, 2021

Customer Requests

  • The company’s manual insurance document management system cannot be connected with other departments, and the document processing is always time-consuming. Therefore, the client wants to build an automobile accident document management system and integrate it with related systems at the same time.


  • The system can handle hundreds of thousands of records per year. With very large data, it makes the system stable and fast to run.
  • Synchronous processing improves performance when connecting to other systems.


  • Java, Spring framework, Hibernate, SOAP, Restfull
  • Redis cache, Memory cache, Oracle SQL 12c
  • Angular 5, NGINX, HA
  • Docker
