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Navigating Migration Challenges of a Prominent Korean Security Company [Case Study]

January 18, 2024
VTI has effectively addressed the migration challenges of a leading Korean security company. Operating under a full offshore Global Development Center (GDC) model, VTI’s strengths in technical expertise and Korean communication have yielded commendable initial results, including significant cost savings for the customer.  Leveraging VTI’s expertise to tackle migration challenges Our customer is a subsidiary...

40% Cost Reduction via Establishing a Global Development Center (GDC) on Cloud Managed Services [Case Study]

January 9, 2024
Our customer, a prominent IT service company in Korea, is spearheading technological innovation across sectors. This case study describes their collaboration with VTI, where establishing a Cloud Global Development Center (GDC) focused on Managed Service Provider (MSP) services in Vietnam emerges as a strategic response to the challenges of labor shortage and high labor costs...

Application of Cloud Computing in Vuihoc’s Online Education

December 10, 2023
In recent years, following the COVID-19 pandemic, the processes of globalization and the development of social networks have driven the growth of various online forms, and education is no exception to this trend. Even before the pandemic, online education was predicted to be a form that provides significant value. This reality presents a new demand...

27% Retail Cost Reduction By Developing A New In-House AWS Procurement System

September 1, 2023
The client is a retailer whose documents generated for ordering and inventory management were managed via Excel. A huge amount of data was required to be processed, thus it was easy for those employees unfamiliar with Excel to make mistakes. Cyberattack was also a headache, even with a PIN code in Excel. This case study...

Motor vehicle compensation system

July 7, 2021
Description: Building accident management system for motor vehicles and simultaneously integrating with related systems. The system meets hundreds of thousands of records each year. Solutions: The system can handle hundreds of thousands of records each year. Allows the system to run stable and fast with very large data. The synchronization process improves performance when connecting...
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