Foundational Managed Services
Security Management 

- Identity & Access Management
- Security Assessment
- Vulnerability Management
- Compliance Management
- Key Management (PAM/Access)
- Encryption Service
- Penetration Testing
- Cloud Infrastructure Audit
Monitoring & Reporting 
- Proactive Monitoring
- Metrics Monitoring
- Logs Management & Analytics
- Security Monitoring
- Cost Monitoring
- Reporting & Dashboard Views
- Asset Tracking
- Alert/Alarm
- Infra, Service, App Performance
- Infra, Service, App Security
Service Desk 

- Infrastructure Provisioning
- Instance Management
- OS Image/Patch Management
- Container Management
- Storage Management
- Capacity Management
- Performance Management
- Network Management
- Infra Backup & Restore Management
- Disaster Recovery
Infrastructure Management 

- Application Operations Support
- Release & Deployment Management
- Database Management
- Middleware Management
- Batch Job Management
- Application Development
- App Performance Management
- Corrective Maintenance
- Data Patching
- Backup & Restore Management
- Business Continuity
Application Management 

- Service Helpdesk & Call Center
- Event & Health Monitor
- Incident/Request Fulfillment
- Desktop SW Installation Support
- User Account Administration
- Network Printer Support
- Customer's Storage Management
- Customer's Email Management
- Triages & Remote Remediation
- Operational Reporting


Banking & Finance

Retail & Ecommerce

Leverage IT Outsourcing for comprehensive SAP services.
As the outsourcing market will continue to grow in the future, the IT outsourcing service will take the lead, where companies’ IT outsourcing spending is projected to reach $519 billion in 2023 – a 22% increase over the last 4 years.This Ebook will help companies get a comprehensive look about IT outsourcing service: the pros, the cons, and when they should hire an outsourced team for their projects.

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