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Top 10 Vietnam IT Outsourcing Companies [Updated 2024]

August 29, 2023
Within recent years, Southeast Asian countries have started to mark their steps in software outsourcing. Vietnam, being no exception, is also a dominant player in this market; considering technological prowess, abundant human resources, dedication from the “golden age” generation, and stable external factors. However, it has always posed a major headache to business managers when it comes...

Software Outsourcing: A Guide To Human Resource Optimization

August 29, 2023
Software outsourcing has been around for roughly 40 years. Especially in recent times, outsourcing software development has witnessed tremendous growth: the market size amounted to $109 billion in 2021, about 64% of businesses are now outsourcing their entire development process. There must be a reason for this business model to last so long and to...

How AI in Logistics transforms the global supply chain

August 29, 2023
Supply Chain Management (SCM) in 4.0 Industry and 4.0 Logistics is one of the most far-reaching industries for the global economy – especially in the current context, where e-commerce surged up significantly. The rise of Artificial Intelligence – AI in Logistics has fueled the growth of most service industries, and Logistics is no exception. AI...

OCR In Logistics Management: A New Approach To Unblock Supply Chain Bottlenecks

August 29, 2023
The world has witnessed a surge in the logistics market over the last decade, from EUR 102 billion (2009), to EUR 151.9 billion (2019). However, the global supply chain confronted huge discorruption during the time of COVID-19: declined volume, incapacity, and delayed deliveries. There was no space for inefficiencies – this is where technology came...

Top 10 Significant Trends Of AI In Retail 2024

August 29, 2023
According to Fortune Business Insights, the market for artificial intelligence (AI) in the retail industry is expected to grow from $4.84 billion in 2021 to $31.84 billion in 2028. In recent years, the AI ​​adoption rate has increased, and many companies chose this cutting-edge technology out of necessity. However, not all companies understand and be ready to...

What is Bridge System Engineer (BrSE)? 6 Key Points You Should Know

March 19, 2023
Offshore development services, which have lower labor costs than domestic ones, are attracting the attention of many companies because they contribute to significant cost reduction. Bridge system engineer is one of the elements that make offshore development go smoothly when many obstacles arise. 1. What is a Bridge System Engineer (BrSE)? Bridge System Engineer (abbreviation...

What is manufacturing execution system (MES)?

July 29, 2021
In today’s competitive market, manufacturers are always trying to find ways to improve production efficiency to create a competitive advantage. How to maximize productivity while minimizing costs? When this problem was posed, the Manufacturing Execution System (MES) – Factory Production Management System was born and is increasingly becoming a trend that Vietnamese businesses are particularly...

Benefits Of AWS For Businesses

July 29, 2021
About 10 years ago, the question “Why migrate to Amazon Web Services?” was often referred to as “a satire” or “a joke”. Why? Will this question still be satirical in 2021 and beyond? Let’s discuss some key benefits of AWS for businesses with VTI in this article! Components of an IT system Since the concept...

Apply Cloud computing technology to construction sites

July 7, 2021
About customer Our customer is a big construction company in Japan, and got listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange and Nikkei 225 Index. Description To embrace construction site security, risk management and workplace management, customer requested for a Cloud-based system which can conduct live streams at multiple construction sites simultaneously on only one screen. Solution...

Top 7 Trends In Retail Digital Transformation And Innovation

July 6, 2021
As a result of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the trend of retail digital transformation and innovation is accelerating at unprecedented speeds, requiring retailers to build adaptable, composable business models to scale in disruptive environments. The crisis has also made clear the importance of technology to the industry: According to the Gartner 2021 CIO Survey, nearly two-thirds of...
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