Software Outsourcing: A Guide To Human Resource Optimization
Software Outsourcing: A Guide To Human Resource Optimization
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Computer Vision

Hazard detection and warning at construction sites (smart insight)

November 20, 2023
Customer Overview Our customer is a Japanese construction company that requires a risk management system at the construction site to improve the safety of workers. Customer’s Challenges Lack of effective on-site safety measures. Do not have a comprehensive system for overseeing construction sites. Have difficulty in predicting potential risks before they manifest into hazardous situations....

[Case Study] Smart Construction Solution: Developing An Autonomous Vehicle System Using AI

July 8, 2021
Self-driving cars, or other types of autonomous vehicles, have moved from the area of science fiction to our daily lives, especially during the past two decades. With the growth of artificial intelligence (AI) and other technologies, modern autonomous vehicles now can perform many complicated tasks to assist our work. While the use of driverless transportation, in general,...

[Case Study] AI-powered Defect Inspection System: Disk Classification

July 8, 2021
One of the biggest challenges for all manufacturing businesses is maintaining the standard of their products’ quality over time. Some defect classification methods have been applied to improve the quality of each batch. However, many manufacturers or the QA team still cling to manual methods, leading to time-consuming, labor-intensive, and highly error-prone. With the adoption...
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