A leading retail company in Japan, operating 4 famous supermarket brands with over 650 stores...
Established in 1973, a leading Japan-based IT solutions provider specializing in digital transformation, cloud computing,...
Hybrid app development has emerged as a powerful alternative for projects that require rapid prototyping...
In 2025, a wave of cross-platform app development frameworks is revolutionizing mobile app development, shattering...
The mobile app market continues to evolve at breakneck speed, and with it, the importance...
Mobile technology is evolving at an unprecedented pace, and the innovations we once considered futuristic...
What if your smartphone could predict your next move before you even think about it?...
On February 12, 2025, VTI and the Faculty of Information Technology at VNU University of...
In the era of digital transformation, optimizing internal workflows is crucial for maintaining a competitive...
Background Our client is one of Korea’s largest chemical corporations, having established its presence in...
On January 16th, alongside the 5th ASEAN Digital Ministers’ Meeting and the ASEAN Digital Awards...
At the ceremony for the 2024 Make in Viet Nam Digital Technology Product Awards, held...
At the announcement and award ceremony of the Sao Khue Awards 2024 for outstanding products...
In the midst of the accelerating Digital Transformation (DX), the concept of “Smart” has emerged...
In recent years, there has been a continuous increase in the demand for cold storage...
On July 19, VTI and PPJ Group held a kick-off ceremony for the MMS-X project...
On August 24, 2022, VTI and Oshii held a kick-off ceremony for the MES-X project at the...
Vietnam Production Manufacturing Fair (VIMF), held annually in Vietnam, is an international professional exhibition of...
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